5 Oct 2023

Chelsea Robers

Beginning to Teach

Chelsea Robers

Graduating high school with a top score, Chelsea Robers knew she wanted to teach.

“Seeing the success that I could help other achieve was the things that pushed me towards studying education. I loved every minute of university, and my professional experiences just pushed me to work harder and harder,” she said.

And two days before the commencement of the 2021 school year, she was offered a teaching role at Ayr State School. Leaving her family and all things known to her, the Excellence in Beginning to Teach TEACHX recipient arrived in North Queensland a ‘nervous bundle of energy’, which through continual striving towards improvement saw her nominator describe her as a ‘ray of sunshine in our school’.

To reduce behavioural incidents during break times, Chelsea took on the task of improving the facilities of the school, which now boasts a car track in P – 2, a giant painted chess board in 3/4, and a DIY STEM room to extend learning experiences for all students.

“Helping my student leaders come out of their shells to present their own leadership project to multiple audiences and fundraise has been the biggest accomplishment of my year thus far,” she said.

Chelsea’s positive demeanour and willingness to lend a hand, has been commented on across the district. She contributes to school culture by attending sporting events outside of school hours to support students, and her attendance at ANZAC day services has seen student attendance rise. Through her involvement in the P&C, she has assisted with local markets, acted as a runner for Cent Sales, a DJ for discos, and assisted in the tuckshop.

In the first semester of 2023 alone, Chelsea has supported three preservice teachers, finding yet another way to give back to the profession.

“The students may not always remember the lessons you teach but they will remember the kindness, compassion, and respect that you show them. Sometimes those lessons are more important.”

Tags: TeachX > 2023 > Beginning > Winner